Local Place Plan – 30th Sept 2023

Published Categorised as Consultations, Research & development
Free man on a wheelchair

Local Place Plan

We are bringing our map based active travel consultation to Our Lady of the Waves hall, Dunbar on Saturday 30th Sept.

This will be another opportunity for the communities in West Barns, Dunbar and beyond to see some initial results and comment on the shape of active travel in the years to come.

The Local Place Plan feeds into the Local Development Plan process, led by East Lothian Council and code named LDP2. This will shape the next 10 years of development. Comment directly as an individual or as an organisation now as that closes 17th September.

Enter the £50 prize draw

Our map based consultation remains open and is designed to record local travel habits and any problems you face in making short local journeys around and about West Barns and Dunbar. Tell us about your:

  • favourite places
  • frequently used routes
  • reasons for travel on existing routes
  • problem locations
  • near misses with vehicles
  • issues with personal safety

NB remember to give us your email address if you want to be added to the prize draw

After just 3 years 2018-2021 (Aerial Imagery is copyright BlueSky Getmapping)

By Connecting Dunbar

Making it easier to walk, wheel and cycle in Dunbar